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  2. Books Published May 2014

May 2014

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published May 2014.

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Book Review

A Warrior's Bible

by Anna Call

An overview of masculinity, A Warrior’s Bible is as much self-help book as philosophical treatise. Many of the behaviors that exemplify the traditional Western notion of masculinity, such as hunting and fighting, are enjoyed by members... Read More

Book Review

From a Mid-Wood

by Gregory A. Lowe

A critique of the education system wrapped in quirky humor and a magical twist. B. P. Ellery creates dynamic characters and offers insight into the American education system in "From a Mid-Wood". With a postmodern style and charismatic... Read More

Book Review

The Last of the Firefighters

by Jill Allen

Universal struggles of balancing family and work put this futuristic novel of firefighting technology into context. Many of us feel gratitude for the technological gains made in our lifetime. But with these advances come drawbacks; many... Read More

Book Review


by Aimee Jodoin

Extraordinary illustrations (with full two-page spreads) create a turn-of-the-century atmosphere and detail a spectacular story of a brave mouse who flew across the Atlantic on an aircraft of his own invention. The sepia-toned images... Read More

Book Review

The Lion and the Bird

by Aimee Jodoin

An unlikely friendship blossoms between a rosy-cheeked, gardening lion and a bird who is injured and unable to fly south with his flock. Marianne Dubuc’s pencil drawings characterize these kind, loyal, and wise companions as they keep... Read More

Book Review

Children Are Naughty

by Aimee Jodoin

This entertaining book portraying adults as victims of naughtiness reveals to kids how their behavior can make all those nice adults feel rejected or afraid. The chaotic illustrations spark laughter while teaching compassion and... Read More

Book Review

The Flip

by Maria Siano

This fast-paced ghost story masterfully toggles between present and past in a cross-genre blend of horror and historical romance. "The Flip", by Michael Phillip Cash, is a captivating paranormal thriller about a couple struggling... Read More

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