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  2. Books Published June 2016

June 2016

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published June 2016.

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Book Review

They Were Coming for Him

by Kristine Morris

On January 4, 1960, Nobel Laureate, existentialist thinker, and dedicated pacifist Albert Camus died in a tragic, and highly suspicious, car accident. Camus was just forty-six years old. Berta Vias Mahou’s sensitive and probing novel... Read More

Book Review

In the Land of a Thousand Gods

by Scott Neuffer

In the introduction to this new English translation of "In the Land of a Thousand Gods", ancient history expert Christian Marek teases that because of its largeness and cultural diversity, ancient Asia Minor could never be... Read More

Book Review


by Matt Sutherland

This unassuming instrument arrived in the American South with West African slaves in the 1600s and lifted the spirits of countless plantation gatherings right up till the time that thoroughly uncivil war put an end to legal enslavement.... Read More

Book Review


by Stephanie Bucklin

A century of civil war has devastated Japan, but Kano Murasaki has grown up far from the conflicts and battles that rage in the nation. Nicknamed “Squirrel,” or Risuko, all the young girl wants to do is climb trees as she grows up in... Read More

Book Review

Excursions in the Caucasus

by Lado Pochkhua

This newly translated travelogue is measured in the sound of the wheels of carts and the clatter of hooves. The Caucasus has never lacked for attention from travelers. From ancient times to the present day, historians and writers have... Read More

Book Review

After One-Hundred-and-Twenty

by Jeff Fleischer

Centuries-old concepts come to life in this thoughtful treatment of death’s place in Judaism. Jewish ideas about death, the afterlife, and the rituals surrounding them have a rich history, and Hillel Halkin expertly dives into those... Read More

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