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  2. Books Published July 2017

July 2017

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published July 2017.

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Book Review


by Margaret Fedder

"Dis-eased" is a work rich in yearning as it works toward its singular creative expressions. "Dis-eased" by John Ralph Tuccitto is an intriguing volume that combines a personal memoir with a treatise on the use of technology in today’s... Read More

Book Review

Miracles Happen

by Jeremiah Rood

This memoir ably conveys one man’s sense of a world in which miracles are more common than we think. "Miracles Happen" by Terry G. Price is a faith-inspired autobiography that speaks to a life of prayer and to the personal changes that... Read More

Book Review

Dreams of Re-Creation in Jamaica

by Susan Waggoner

"Dreams of Re-Creation in Jamaica" is valuable for bringing a little-known aspect of WWII to public awareness. Even World War II buffs who think they’ve read it all will encounter fresh revelations in this tale of Jews who fled the... Read More

Book Review

Hickory Doc's Tales

by Catherine Thureson

The book offers a rich landscape to explore, one that will be new and appealing to many children. Linda Harkey’s Hickory Doc’s Tales is full of adventure and mischief relayed from the perspective of animals. Its stories are silly and... Read More

Book Review

The Wilds of Poetry

by Matt Sutherland

All the world’s Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus—they’re peas in a faith-based pod. But Buddhists don’t belong in there. No, the Buddhist gig is more about waking up to what’s real, realization of how the universe really... Read More

Book Review

What Did Jesus Do?

by Melissa Wuske

"What Did Jesus Do?" gives a refreshing look at the Catholic Church by examining the life and teachings of Jesus. What Did Jesus Do? The Biblical Roots of the Catholic Church by Thomas J. Nash seeks to reveal that the Catholic Church is... Read More

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