1. Book Reviews
  2. Books Published November 8, 2017

November 8, 2017

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published November 8, 2017. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in November 2017.

Book Review

Wrestling Dreams

by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

Mattresses in the living room, rings on the playground, and laundry-line ropes fuel Colt’s imagination as he practices and plans for his future career, in "Wrestling Dreams", professional wrestler Colt Cabana’s story of dedication,... Read More

Book Review

A Precautionary Tale

by Anna Call

Focusing on a region of the Alps where farming has been a mainstay for millennia, this book examines a successful grassroots movement to ban pesticides. The town of Mals, located in a semiautonomous region between Austria and Italy, may... Read More