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  2. Books Published January 2018

January 2018

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published January 2018.

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Book Review

Deep Zero

by Gary Henry

"Deep Zero" distinguishes itself thanks to a powerful blend of vivid writing and legal insight. Facing situations from cyberbullying to murder, District Attorney Dana Hargrove has her work cut out for her in V. S. Kemanis’s compelling... Read More

Book Review

Hug Chickenpenny

by Aimee Jodoin

With a fast pace and concise, humorous writing, "Hug Chickenpenny" is a unique and playful tale. S. Craig Zahler’s "Hug Chickenpenny" is curiously fun. An asymmetrically deformed baby boy is born one night in the huge, terrifying, and... Read More

Book Review


by Katerie Prior

"Barleycorn" is a compelling tale with a fresh perspective on God and religion. Questions around the nature of God, humanity, and faith sprout and grow in Harold Auckridge’s surreal novel "Barleycorn". Barleycorn and Mustard Seed are... Read More

Book Review

The Dreaming Road

by Jessie Horness

"The Dreaming Road" is a lovely tale about loss, healing, and what it means to be human. Elizabeth Moore’s "The Dreaming Road" is an autobiographically inspired novel of a mother’s journey after her young daughter’s suicide. It... Read More

Book Review


by Matt Sutherland

Long ago, dogs and cats renounced their wild ways in exchange for food served in bowls and a warm place around the fire. In submitting to humans, they became the laughingstocks of the animal kingdom. Bears and humans, on the other hand,... Read More

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