1. Book Reviews
  2. Books Published June 28, 2018

June 28, 2018

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published June 28, 2018. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in June 2018.

Book Review

A Cat That Travels

by Carol Davala

"A Cat That Travels" is a fun, fact-filled family travel adventure for young readers. Jack McClellan’s lighthearted middle grade tale "A Cat That Travels" follows the adventures of an inquisitive kitten and her newly adoptive family... Read More

Book Review

Orphan Station

by Delia Stanley

John Kent’s "Orphan Station" is an emotional, heroic coming-of-age tale that sees the universe through the eyes of a young girl in space as she searches for the truth about her family. Selene Sotana is a bright, creative preteen who... Read More

Book Review

Believe Me

by Matt Grant

In its struggle to understand how conservative Christian evangelicals—the same men and women who profess to be followers of Jesus—could not only support a morally bankrupt presidential candidate like Donald Trump, but also... Read More