1. Book Reviews
  2. Books Published December 2018

December 2018

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published December 2018.

Book Review

The Magic Keys of Tanglewood

by Delia Stanley

In the supernatural novel "The Magic Keys of Tanglewood", girls at a prestigious school pursue a generational mystery. In Malcolm Chester’s novel "The Magic Keys of Tanglewood", girls at a prestigious private school uncover a curse... Read More

Book Review

Little Moss, Big Tree

by Karen Rigby

"Little Moss, Big Tree" is a timeless and profound picture book that rewards introspection. M. Yap-Stewart’s lyrical picture book "Little Moss, Big Tree" is about a faithful friendship that weathers all seasons. On Storm King Mountain,... Read More

Book Review

Jazzy and Kettle

by Rebecca Monterusso

In "Jazzy and Kettle", two adventurous new friends help each other learn and grow. In Rick Quinn’s picture book "Jazzy and Kettle", new friends explore the area behind their houses. They climb trees, enjoy nature, and help each other... Read More

Book Review

Saint Agnes’ Garden

by Shana Creaney

"Saint Agnes’ Garden" is a pleasant, quaint coming-of-age novel about relying on faith and learning to be okay with being less than perfect. In Diana Lynn Klueh’s short, sweet novel "Saint Agnes’ Garden", a young girl finds that... Read More

Book Review

The Portrait

by Claire Foster

"The Portrait" is a fun Regency romance that’s steeped in historical details. Immersed in the period of the second Napoleonic War, Cassandra Austen’s lively "The Portrait" is the epitome of a Regency romance. It includes musical... Read More

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