Contemplating the depth of the soul by considering elements of nature, theology professor Belden Lane begins his enthralling "The Great Conversation" by explaining his twenty-year love affair with “Grandfather,” a hundred-year-old... Read More
Lisa Schmid’s debut novel for middle-grade readers "Ollie Oxley and the Ghost" is an engaging story full of mystery and mischief. Ollie has moved, again, with his mother and little sister. His mother’s new job is in her hometown of... Read More
"Making Eden" is a sweeping history of plant evolution that demonstrates both the development and fragility of plant life. Natural sciences professor David Beerling’s book is a comprehensive evolutionary history that traces the birth... Read More
What happens when you combine UFOs, a vintage bottle of wine, and time travel? You get Antoine Laurain’s fantasy novel, "Vintage 1954". Four newfound friends—Hubert Larnaudie, a property manager; Julien, a bartender; Magalie, a... Read More
A persistent little girl petitions her parents daily for a dog, cat, turtle, or giraffe in a never-ending, increasingly farfetched list of pets until they finally agree to a dinosaur—but only in the unlikely event that she is able to... Read More
On the night that Mark Boyle checked his email for the last time then turned off his phone, he hoped it would stay off forever. His plan: to live a technology-free, simple life, connected to nature on a half-wild, three-acre smallholding... Read More
In Andrew Post’s thrilling and unsettling novel "Chop Shop", characters are sent into a churning mass of violence and gore. Ex-con Frank Goode returns to his medical roots, operating out of his kitchen for various criminal elements.... Read More
Steven Petrivelli and Sean Dillon’s charming "Sweetie" is a delightful tale about a self-made superhero told through dynamic and unique art. In a world filled to the brim with superheroes, headstrong Maggie wants nothing more than to... Read More