Devastating and triumphant, "The Road to Delano" is a meticulous historical novel that honors the bravery and sacrifices of the UFW strikers and those who stood with them. In John DeSimone’s gripping historical novel "The Road to... Read More
"The 3-6-9-12 Diet" is a candid dieting book whose shared calorie-counting method led one woman to weight loss success. Pamela DeSimone’s snappy diet guide "The 3-6-9-12 Diet" reintroduces general dieting principles to those who are... Read More
"The Rescue of Demistrath" is an exciting fantasy novel that’s set in an expansive world where underdogs defend what’s right. In Rose Stauffer’s magical fairy tale "The Rescue of Demistrath", a young woman transforms from a... Read More
"Desire-Intrusive Thoughts" draws upon personal experiences with OCD to deliver professional advice about how to help others. Carol Edwards’s "Desire-Intrusive Thoughts" is a guidebook for mental health professionals looking to help... Read More
"How to Become Extremely Wealthy" is an upbeat self-help guide that suggests methods of gaining financial mastery. James J. Elleyby’s "How to Become Extremely Wealthy" is an exuberant guide to adopting a wealth-centered mindset. These... Read More
"The Agent" is an understated mystery about a scam whose perpetrators are motivated by much more than greed. A trio of con artists converges on their latest mark in Marsha Roberts’s mystery novel, "The Agent". Victoria’s business... Read More
Liberty’s Triumph through the Lens of Dutch Brazil is popular history done right and a necessary corrective to an often overlooked epoch. J. M. Walsh’s Liberty’s Triumph Through the Lens of Dutch Brazil examines the complex ideal... Read More
The Naked Truth retells American women’s history in a sensitive, intimate way. Carrie Hayes’s charming historical novel "Naked Truth" dramatizes the lives of two American suffragettes, Tennessee Claflin and Victoria Woodhull, as they... Read More