1. Book Reviews
  2. Books Published April 21, 2020

April 21, 2020

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published April 21, 2020. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in April 2020.

Book Review

Ghosts Still Linger

by Matt Sutherland

The historical West was lawless and degenerate—a place of perps and victims, lots of victims. Kat Cameron is haunted by the experiences of those least among us, commoners of the Western prairies, especially women, and her searing work... Read More

Book Review

Tree Story

by Matt Sutherland

Oh, the things we know by the way trees grow: about the planet’s climate over the past couple thousand years, about population fluctuation from ancient Rome forward, about solar radiation variations, atmospheric pressure systems,... Read More

Book Review

Ship of Fates

by Meg Nola

Caitlin Chung’s wondrous "Ship of Fates" begins with the ancient legend of Wong Zhi Mei, a Chinese bride promised by her family to a foreign suitor. But teenage Mei yearns for true love, and she steals the suitor’s proffered gold and... Read More

Book Review

Rebuilding Earth

by Rachel Jagareski

Canadian architect Teresa Coady is renowned worldwide for her firm’s high-performance, energy-efficient buildings. In "Rebuilding Earth", she discusses myriad ways to reform the Industrial Age construction industry, which now crashes... Read More

Book Review

Welcome to Buttermilk Kitchen

by Rachel Jagareski

Restaurateur Suzanne Vizethann’s cookbook, "Welcome to Buttermilk Kitchen", is garlanded with breakfast and brunch dishes that showcase sophisticated Southern comfort foods from a renowned Atlanta eatery. This work has zero tolerance... Read More

Book Review

Taste of Tucson

by Rachel Jagareski

"Taste of Tucson" is creative in exploring the vibrant culture of the Arizona food capital. Designated as the first American City of Gastronomy by UNESCO in 2015, Tucson’s freewheeling blend of Native American, Spanish, and Mexican... Read More

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