1. Book Reviews
  2. Books Published June 1, 2020

June 1, 2020

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published June 1, 2020. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in June 2020.

Book Review

The Last Dance

by Delia Stanley

The romantic memoir "The Last Dance" recalls the happy moments of a long marriage for a family’s next generation. Stephen Manning’s memoir "The Last Dance" is filled with loving memories of his wife. When Manning left his childhood... Read More

Book Review


by John M. Murray

"Fixer" is an engrossing novel in which five young adults come of age, held together by the trappings of modernity. In Sally Vedros’s unflinching novel "Fixer", a group of friends construct their futures together, breathing new life... Read More

Book Review

The Hardhat Riot

by Tanisha Rule

"The Hardhat Riot" moves, moment by tense moment, through May 8, 1970, a day known as Bloody Friday, which led to the fracturing of the Democratic Party and an opportunity for Richard Nixon. Starting with a glimpse of the fateful hour... Read More

Book Review

The King of Taos

by Jeff Fleischer

In his novel "The King of Taos", Max Evans chronicles the lives of friends who wile away their days drinking in a local bar and thinking up ways to make a little money in their tourist-heavy New Mexico town. Set in the 1950s, Evans’s... Read More

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