This delightful illustrated biography is designed to introduce curious young minds to the life and work of Mary Anning, a girl from England who turned shell collecting and exploring the coast into a science, pioneering the field of... Read More
Though Walter was eager for his first day of school, it goes awry: Walter notices that his whale shark teeth are much smaller than his classmates’ huge, great white shark teeth. Underwater illustrations with lots of toothy smiles and... Read More
In James Gallant’s erudite short story collection, "La Leona", musicians witness European history from the sidelines. These intricate stories traverse medieval Spain, Elizabethan Denmark, and revolutionary France. In “Isaac Albéniz... Read More
Adam Wilson’s near-future "Sensation Machines" is a delayed bildungsroman for a whole generation. Wendy and Michael met as college students in New York while navigating the detritus of September 11, 2001. He was a Marshall Mathers... Read More
In Martha Hunt Handler’s young adult mystery "Winter of the Wolf", a girl recovering from her brother’s death searches for answers. Bean is devastated when her brother, Sam, is found dead after an apparent suicide. As her family... Read More
In Heather Bell Adams’s novel "The Good Luck Stone", wartime memories haunt a ninety-year-old woman, who also struggles to maintain her personal independence. During World War II, Audrey ventured beyond her genteel Southern upbringing... Read More
Norman Lock’s dark, carnivalesque "American Follies" mines the seamier side of the 1880s through a woman’s febrile imagination and New York sojourns. Ellen, who was once Henry James’s typist, now helps Susan B. Anthony and... Read More
"Brave Talk" is a transformative self-help book that’s focused on conflict resolution. In this polarized world, Melody Stanford Martin knows, conflict is everywhere. While discussions of how to proceed often revolve around compromise... Read More