1. Book Reviews
  2. Books Published August 18, 2020

August 18, 2020

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published August 18, 2020. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in August 2020.

Book Review

Who's Yawning Now?

by Karen Rigby

Who’s Yawning Now? is a valuable, educational picture book that encourages curiosity through its curation of interesting birds and mammals. Wildlife photographer Nicki Geigert’s Who’s Yawning Now? is a splendid animal facts picture... Read More

Book Review

Into the Carpathians

by Eileen Gonzalez

"Into the Carpathians" depicts a journey so breathtaking that it will make even those who dislike the outdoors want to pack a bag and see Sparks’s marvels for themselves. Alan E. Sparks recounts a transformative hiking expedition in... Read More

Book Review

The Great Chair

by Jeremiah Rood

"The Great Chair" is a useful leadership book that suggests new ways for boards to run their companies. Brian Hayward’s business text "The Great Chair" gives advice on leading or chairing a board of directors. Concerned with the... Read More

Book Review


by Vivian Turnbull

In R. J. Anderson’s twisting middle grade fantasy "Swift", a pixie struggles to find her place. Life is getting harder for Ivy, a young pixie. She’s smaller and weaker than her peers, and she can’t fly. Ever since her mother... Read More

Book Review


by Peter Dabbene

A fictional alter ego channels a true-life account in Bishakh Som’s Spellbound: A Graphic Memoir. Anjali, a former New York architect, serves as a visual substitute for Bishakh Som. Her history and personality also mirror Som’s—for... Read More

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