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  2. Books Published June 14, 2022

June 14, 2022

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published June 14, 2022. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in June 2022.

Book Review

The Crystal Beads

by Randi Hacker

A Holocaust tale for young readers, "The Crystal Beads" is about the universal natures of survival, heroism, sacrifice, and compassion during wartime. Set during World War II, Pat Black-Gould’s picture book "The Crystal Beads" follows... Read More

Book Review


by Erika Harlitz Kern

In Lisa Solod’s novel "Shivah", family relationships are turned upside down after an abusive matriarch is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Leah’s mother was an unpredictable presence in her life. She only cared for her children... Read More

Book Review

The Marmalade Diaries

by Meg Nola

Ben Aitken’s "The Marmalade Diaries", is about becoming housemates with a much older stranger during Britain’s second Covid-19 lockdown. Aitken met Winnie in October of 2020. Winnie’s children were concerned about their... Read More

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