In Jean Gill’s gripping historical novel "The Ring Breaker", a young man comes of age in the Viking-era Orkney Islands, navigating court intrigue, his own survival, and his confusing feelings about the jarl’s cursed ward. The book... Read More
An unlikely adventure park owner tries to keep his business afloat in Antti Tuomainen’s humorous mystery novel "The Moose Paradox". After inheriting an adventure park and a mountain of debt from his brother Juhani, Henri’s careful... Read More
An alien seeking salvation for his planet falls prey to the vices of human beings in the graphic novel adaptation of "The Man Who Fell to Earth". Based on the 1976 science fiction film of the same name, which was itself adapted from a... Read More
"Angel of the Garbage Dump" is the biography of a courageous change-maker, Hanley Denning. Denning first encountered the Guatemala City dump that she came to think of as “home” in 1999. Though her early experiences there were... Read More
In Murzban F. Shroff’s novel "Waiting for Jonathan Koshy", a friend’s misfortune leads to reminiscing. Jonathan Koshy is on his way back to Mumbai for the first time in three years. Four friends gather to await his arrival. They pass... Read More
Charcuterie boards are always in vogue, but Olivia Carney’s "The Art of the Board" puts the wow factor into these edible arrangements. She calls food boards a great plan-ahead addition to any party menu, and the book encourages having... Read More
Christopher Teuton and Hastings Shade’s "Cherokee Earth Dwellers" makes traditional Cherokee wisdom, language, teachings, and culture accessible to all because it “is time for all to know.” Based on the work and teachings of the... Read More
In Kevin Lichty’s whimsical novella "The Circle That Fits", a boy raised in a carnival seeks a steady life. Daniel grows up beneath the flashing lights of the midway, where people’s screams of joy belie dark realities that slink out... Read More