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  2. Books Published July 9, 2024

July 9, 2024

Here are all of the books we've reviewed that were published July 9, 2024. You can also view all of the books we've reviewed that were published anytime in July 2024.

Book Review

 Ain’t No Grave

by Erika Harlitz Kern

Love overcomes racial and religious barriers in Mary Glickman’s historical novel Ain’t No Grave, set against the backdrop of the lynching of Leo Frank and the founding of the Anti-Defamation League. Max and Ruby are friends and... Read More

Book Review

Rainbow Allies

by Danielle Ballantyne

Based on a true story, this touching picture book demonstrates that hate can always be overcome by love and community—and suggests some age-appropriate methods for being part of the solution. When a lesbian couple’s home is... Read More

Book Review

Voices for the Islands

by Aleena Ortiz

"Voices for the Islands" traces the history of conservation efforts in British Columbia, recounting the brave and assiduous work of everyday people toward maintaining a healthy planet. The Salish Sea, Shelia Harrington notes, is home to... Read More

Book Review

Playing the Changes

by Ryan Prado

Drawing on oral history, photographs, and letters, Darius and Catherine Brubeck revisit their inauguration of a fertile jazz music launchpad in South Africa during and after apartheid in "Playing the Changes". The book’s vibrant... Read More

Book Review

The Hedgerow

by Michele Sharpe

In Anne Leigh Parrish’s historical novel "The Hedgerow", an enigmatic woman’s professional goals clash with postwar American culture. Circumstances compel Edith to take a room in Henry’s lavish home in Cambridge, Massachusetts.... Read More

Book Review

Goodnight Tokyo

by Isabella Zhou

Atsuhiro Yoshida’s novel "Goodnight Tokyo" delves into the nighttime activities of a disparate group of Tokyoites. For her latest assignment as a prop procurer for film sets, Mitsuki must secure loquats off-season. Enlisting Matsui’s... Read More

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