Cyber Lies

When finding the truth matters

Clarion Rating: 5 out of 5

Marriage: A challenging rewarding state of love commitment and most important of all: trust. But what happens when one of the people in the relationship begins to stray…must the other either suffer in silent doubt or furious certain knowledge of the other’s infidelity but no solid evidence?

Lucich has an answer for such a dilemma: Cyber Lies: When Finding the Truth Matters. Lucich a “law enforcement veteran college professor and internationally recognized computer forensic expert” has developed a system for detecting the truth about the possibly cheating spouse.

The author begins by introducing the premise of the book: that the Internet has become a veritable hotbed of cheating that the digital world is rife with people either willing to engage in anonymous online sex or those who enable more traditional affairs through seemingly untraceable programming even websites where perfect strangers would lie to someone’s else’s wife regarding their spouse’s whereabouts in exchange for alibis for themselves. In a world where infidelity has always been common the Internet has upped the ante of cheating making it much much easier to deceive a trusting mate.

Even worse the author discusses the incredibly demoralizing effects of doubting one’s own instincts: “Cheating spouses will often tell their spouse that they love them and frequently try to place the blame for their suspicions back on them. A wife once asked me “Am I crazy?”

I replied “Here look at these nude pictures of your husband that he was sending out via email to other women. No you’re not crazy! He is.”

Lucich in the space of less than 200 pages takes the reader on a concise easy-to-read crash course on computers and how forensic experts can glean inappropriate content an erring husband/wife might potentially have left on them. Lucich takes a subject that might well be overwhelming for the average everyday reader and makes it understandable and accessible giving the reader the know-how and confidence on how to proceed covering almost every imaginable aspect the reader might reasonably encounter as well as the various possible legal repercussions that might help or hinder divorce proceedings should they turn out to be necessary.

An equally rich source of research on a straying husband or wife according to Lucich is the cell phone: “Something for you to remember is that a growing number of people use the same cell phone for communicating with their spouse and the person with whom they are cheating.”

The author guides the reader on how to check a spouses’ cell phone to see if there are incriminating behaviors going on: what to look for and how to find it. His writing style is clear and comforting but also very precise and to the point. Almost anyone should be able to follow his crystal-clear instructions even those with no prior computer/digital training.

While it is very unfortunate that a book like Cyber Lies needs to be written it’s a comfort to know that someone like Lucich is in the reader’s corner.

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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