Day Trading QuickStart Guide

The Simplified Beginner's Guide to Winning Trade Plans, Conquering the Markets, and Becoming a Successful Day Trader

Clarion Rating: 5 out of 5

Day Trading QuickStart Guide will help beginning investors gain confidence and develop personalized strategies for trading success.

Drawing on decades of day trading knowledge and experience, Troy Noonan’s comprehensive and accessible financial reference book Day Trading QuickStart Guide includes knowledge and advice about an enticing alternative to long-term investments.

Designed to help beginners decide whether or not day trading is right for them, the book is split into four sections. The first section focuses on individual fit, which is a strong theme throughout, emphasizing the notion that there is no one magic approach to investments. The book’s real-life examples, some involving familiar names in the investment field, are both interesting and memorable. The book’s second part teaches fundamentals, including about how markets work, types of trades, and understanding charts, and its third part focuses on understanding and analyzing information, with illustrations of ways to make use of opportunities and avoid pitfalls, both of which play major roles in day trading. The book’s last portion shows how such information works in action, suggesting ways for individuals to tailor strategies to suit their individual needs.

The book’s tone is friendly, clear, and direct, and it encompasses considerable knowledge while remaining approachable. Its complex ideas are presented in short, focused sentences and through on-point examples. The book establishes a firm understanding of one idea or principle at a time before moving on. By the time its chapters include varieties of stock charts, their types and purposes will be recognizable to the audience, familiar because of the work of earlier chapters.

The book’s layouts are inviting and enhance its outstanding accessibility. Its subheads, bulleted lists, and dialog boxes help to break up text, acting as shorthand sign posts that eliminate unnecessary introductions and transitions, keeping the spotlight on what’s being presented. Graphic icons that identify questions, examples, reminders, and special points are consistent in their use. Because of this groundwork, the book is easy to move through, as well as to backtrack through to reread particular points.

The book’s auxiliary features are generous and useful, with downloadable features including video trainings led by Noonan, and guides to analyzing trades and calculating risks. Appendices on choosing software, brokers, and trading platforms round out the book, while its glossary of trading terms, list of references, and index are also useful.

The Day Trading QuickStart Guide is an approachable, information-rich handbook for investors who want to know more about its specialized form of investing.

Reviewed by Susan Waggoner

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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