Diastasis Recti

The Whole Body Solution to Abdominal Weakness and Separation

2016 INDIES Finalist
Finalist, Health (Adult Nonfiction)

By making the material understandable, approachable, and achievable, Bowman offers an outstanding and necessary guide

With Diastasis Recti, biomechanist Katy Bowman offers a logical, long-term, and whole-body strategy that not only addresses diastasis recti, but also general core weakness, pelvic floor disorders like prolapse, and hypermobility.

Defined as an abnormal separation of the abdominal musculature, diastasis recti is sometimes seen as an unfortunate, but very common, side effect of pregnancy. More rarely, men can also develop the problem, often from weightlifting incorrectly or yo-yo dieting over a number of years.

In attempting to correct the issue, many people turn to traditional ab exercises like crunches, or get surgery like a “tummy tuck,” but Bowman’s new book presents a better, more effective, approach. With a tone that’s both authoritative and personable, Bowman explains the issue with admirable clarity, particularly notable since there is no current consensus among researchers regarding what constitutes a diastasis recti.

In addition to highlighting anatomy, the author details how the forces of movement come into play, bringing a fuller understanding of how the body operates—and more importantly, how people can influence these forces in very specific ways. Rather than focusing only on abdominal exercises, she offers thoughts on numerous strategies that all add up to a stronger core. These range from nutrition to posture to small movements to more intense exercises. Her focus on a whole-body approach is refreshing, because it aims to provide higher function throughout the entire body, not just the abs.

Using the same friendly approach that makes her anatomy and movement lessons so easy to follow, Bowman provides tactics that are understandable and clearly described. The use of photography is also helpful, with the author demonstrating each move in addition to providing step-by-step instructions.

Although Bowman’s main purpose is education, what she really brings is empowerment. Encouraging people to know their own bodies, and then pursue solutions that make them healthier and happier, is a powerful approach to wellness.

By making the material understandable, approachable, and achievable, Bowman offers an outstanding and necessary guide to diastasis recti and many other abdomen-related issues. Everyone can benefit from these insights and improve their health in an empowered and proactive way.

Reviewed by Elizabeth Millard

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. No fee was paid by the publisher for this review. Foreword Reviews only recommends books that we love. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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