Divorce Your Diet
Embrace Your Life Get Healthy America
Two-thirds of the adults in the United States are overweight or obese. The last several decades have seen a major increase in weight-related health problems. The diet industry has boomed right along with the American waistline and yet long term success in losing weight seems nearly impossible. Many people live their lives bouncing back and forth between starvation and overindulgence. Those fighting the diet war can almost assuredly count on feelings of guilt, disappointment and unhappiness.
There is newfound hope, however, in a revolutionary idea that is beginning to take hold amongst health and nutrition professionals: in order for people to live healthy lives, they must STOP dieting.
Divorce Your Diet espouses one simple yet profound message: diets don’t work. A registered dietician and certified diabetes educator, Cathy Edelman has spent much of her own life fighting to lose weight. Though there are many books on the market that contain the same information that this book includes, the combination of professional expertise and personal experience gives Edelman’s book a unique level of credibility. She shares her own struggles to lose weight and how she finally managed to leave dieting behind her for good. She writes of the moment when everything changed for her: “…an inner metamorphosis was taking place for me. All of my questions, frustrations, confusion, and education suddenly came together in front of my eyes. There was the answer to my life long quest and research. Diets don’t work.”
Edelman offers the reader permission to eat whatever is most desired but stresses that the freedom to eat does not equate to the freedom to overindulge. She states that each person must take the time to actively make decisions about when and what to eat. This means listening to the body’s signals and breaking habits that dictate eating at certain times or in certain situations. She says that it is important to slow down and enjoy every bite of food and to learn to recognize and honor the body’s satiety cues. She also encourages readers to eat whole foods high in protein and fiber, and to exercise regularly.
Divorce Your Diet is simple and straightforward. Edelman does an excellent job of explaining the biological processes that make eating well and exercising regularly so important. Her writing is gentle and and her message is full of compassion. Judgement and criticism are discouraged at all times. Many readers will find this book the first step in a liberating and life-changing journey to better health and happiness.
Reviewed by
Catherine Thureson
Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.