Ears of Steel

The Real Man's Guide to Walt Disney World

Onward to forty-seven square miles in swampy central Florida called Walt Disney World. Yes, the TV ads tend to highlight pink princesses and cotton candy castles, but author and aficionado Bart Scott makes a convincing argument that WDW is a real challenge, in a manly way, for men. After all, it was built by two guys: Walt Disney and his only son, Mickey.

Ears of Steel: The Real Man’s Guide to Walt Disney World begins with some rules of the road: No. 1 is stay on the property. In other words, don’t be a tourist at the greatest show on Earth. (Besides, it’s easier to get home after drinking all day.) Rule No. 2 is don’t obsess about the money. Look at it this way: real men don’t need to go to Vegas or Paris or the beach on vacation, since Walt Disney World has the best parts of all those places. Rule No. 3 is don’t spit. ’Nough said.

Some highlights include Drinking Around the World at Epcot, what to eat (besides turkey legs), where to find bathrooms, what to miss if you’re traveling without missies, where to watch sports TV, and Top Ten Scariest Rides. (Snow White’s Scary Adventure would have been at the bottom. Alas, it is no more.) You’ll also get lots of scuttlebutt about what’s coming, what’s going, what was built when and by whom—enough to make you a real he-man know-it-all. Ears of Steel is perfectly acceptable reading for the female persuasion as well.

Reviewed by Heather Shaw

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. No fee was paid by the publisher for this review. Foreword Reviews only recommends books that we love. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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