
A Tale of Transformation

This tale has such heartfelt realism that the reader might confuse it with nonfiction. The book is cleverly written in first person with the prologue immediately focusing on the plight of whether the earth is “renewed or destroyed” by its own population. A murder is introduced and then the narrator eases into the beginnings of his story.

Five friends, Will, Helen, Sebastian, Maddie, and Radha, bring together their knowledge, beliefs, and adventures that keep the story burning right along. It all centers around a small, metaphysical crystal, jewelry, and book shop in coastal New England. The characters may be a bit pat in their reactions, but all are likeable and add intrigue to the story. There is much spiritual seeking that is an education in itself. The consistent theme of fire is rediscovered through inner-awareness methods that they all explore. These include astrology, prophecy, divination, near-death experiences, morphogenic fields, breathwork, tarot, I Ching, and ETs. They are all addressed in an integrated fashion, leaning often on the lectures from guest speakers who come to the shop and add fuel to synchronistically occurring events.

An underlying plot involving mysterious bad guys, who are quintessentially dressed in black and give out black calling cards, lurks through the illuminating truths the characters are pursuing. All is resolved in the end, except for the biggest metaphysical question that is the main thread throughout the book: is the earth now or soon to be at a tumultuous turning point of awareness? As Anon, the spiritual entity channeled through Radha, says: “Thus the holy fire may begin as tiny sparks in a scattered few, but from this it can spread throughout your race and become the Earthfire, the cleansing flame which consumes all that is corrupt and brings humanity to new birth.”

Earthfire is a breeze to read, and, at the same time, reaches into the soul and takes a few twists…reminding those who venture into this tale that discovering the link between physical reality and the spirit is the key to inner enlightenment and the only hope for the planet earth.

Reviewed by Aimé Merizon

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. No fee was paid by the publisher for this review. Foreword Reviews only recommends books that we love. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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