
A relationship advice podcaster advocating “just break up,” Sierra DeMulder champions the value of those things that exist only briefly: love, life—“every poem is about death / when you are reading to the dying”—music, dreams, seasons. She is the author of five collections, no doubt a point of everlasting pride to her wife and daughter in their upstate New York home.


bless her brokenness / she who slept in your bed first
so much has taught me to hate her / to bleach
all memories from the house / but what can I do but praise her?
build an altar to her silence / the missed calls
the nights you spent waiting up / a hunger never satisfied
mistrust grown like mold under the walls / I want
to name her a harlot / heart spoiler or spilled tar
but in truth I must call her a great giver / a merciful god
a generous dam / for how poorly she held you

Reviewed by Matt Sutherland

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