Forbidden Fruit
The Fall of Eve and Adam
Eve receives top billing in Seto’s tempting audio play. Dancing along on a musical score by Clay Zambo are the voices of Biblical characters: God, the Devil, Eve, and Adam. Playwright Seto portrays the narrator and shares the role of Serpent with Ira Rubin.
Zambo’s musical score combines flawlessly the drama, curiosity and humor revealed by a skilled cast who engage the listener to consider Eve’s legacy throughout history. Five odysseys through the Garden of Eden are the landmarks for this spirited full-cast production: Genesis 3, both the Biblical version and a lively discussion of the Gnostic version; selected sections of a French medieval play; Milton’s Paradise Lost; Shaw’s Back to Methuselah; and Mark Twain’s Adam’s Diary.
Present day Eve (Meghan Shea), narrator Seto, Adam (Peter Zazzali), and God (Taras Los) describe Eden as nirvana. Genesis 3 awakens through the voices of the cast. A theme is established and questions arise. “On the surface, Genesis 3 is a simple tale of crime and punishment… I know who done it, but what did they do, Is it willful disobedience or the acquisition of godlike knowledge,” inquires the narrator. “Curiosity killed the cat,” offers the serpent, Ira Rubin, in perfect lispy form.
Medieval period Eden is brought to life through the twelfth century French play, Adam. Milton’s Paradise Lost is introduced with stringed instruments and a feeling of intimacy. Narrator Seto “finds it interesting that this devout Puritan [Milton] has written one of the world’s great love stories.” Shaw’s Back to Methuselah poignantly introduces Adam and Eve to death.
Twain’s landmark on the journey through Eden shows the humorist’s multi-layered talents—his wit as well as his heart. The voices of Adam and Eve are summoned and speak through Twain. They describe one another in the way of innocence, awe, and wonder.
Upon the last words of this tender “audio scene,” the narrator offers, “Let’s hope the tender, and yes, romantic love, expressed by Adam at Eve’s grave never goes out of fashion.”
The play ends delightfully as God and his fallen son spar. Hope is the final message: “We can choose to follow our bliss,” says the narrator, “and find Eden that’s within us,” replies Eve.
Forbidden Fruit is food for thought.
Reviewed by
Vyvyan Lynn
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