Four Seasons of Travel

400 of the World's Best Destinations in Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall

It’s the dead of winter: time to get out of town. Most folks will think beach, but National Geographic’s latest coffee-table offering inspires creativity. Why not celebrate snow instead of flying away from it? Quebec City’s Winter Carnival is the world’s largest—and they have hot swimming pools. Try cross-country skiing in Yosemite, or Christmas in London, which, according to actor Alec Baldwin, is a home away from home “with its mix of solemnity, sarcasm, and the spoken word as art form.”

A two-page map and index begin Four Seasons of Travel, clearly depicting the worldwide spread of opportunities. Seasonal color-coding organizes the 400 destinations neatly. Pertinent Top Ten lists are scattered throughout. In the Summer section, you’ll find the best ice cream—from Michigan to Melbourne—best whale and dolphin viewing, outdoor music venues and theaters, Fourth of July fests, and sunset locales. Celebrities weigh in to point to their favorite spots. Most locations get a full page, some get two, and all receive National Geographic’s stellar photography treatment. Four Seasons of Travel won’t be leaving your living room (it weighs five pounds), but it will get you off the couch and on the road, no matter the weather.

Reviewed by Heather Shaw

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