
The Rescue Dog Who Rescued Me

Grant Hayter-Menzies’s heartwarming memoir Freddie is about the rescue dog who became his rescuer.

Part Pomeranian, Freddie was rescued from a hellish existence with an animal hoarder. He endured hunger and fear before Hayter-Menzies and his husband adopted him. Still, Freddie grew to be “a poster dog,” his love bringing hope and changing his people’s lives. And when a divorce, career frustration, and a nervous breakdown led Hayter-Menzies to suicidal ideation, it was his vow to love and care for Freddie that stayed his hand.

Moved to learn more about Freddie’s past, Hayter-Menzies uncovered a hidden world of animal abuse. Thus, while writing about the power of human-animal relationships, he also raised awareness about that issue. And Freddie helped to raise thousands of dollars for animal welfare charities too. Later, he was diagnosed with cancer, and Hayter-Menzies had to learn to let the dog he called “the heartbeat at my feet” and “the happiest choice I ever made” go.

Freddie is a potent memoir about a special dog’s second chance at life.

Reviewed by Kristine Morris

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