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  2. Mystery

Book Review

An American Tragedy

by Grace Rogers

The public’s adamant adherence to their snap decisions impedes the justice process in the harrowing novel "An American Tragedy", about a teacher accused of sexual abuse. A preschool scandal leads to a clash between outrage and justice... Read More

Book Review

The Orchids Lady

by Willem Marx

A mudslide sets off a string of unexplained violence in "The Orchids Lady", a sun-suffused mystery novel in Freya Smallwood’s Abelove and Bradley series. Ogy Bradley is a neuroscientist and widower who returns home to find his quiet... Read More

Book Review

The Math Kids

by Ho Lin

Four determined friends learn to speak truth to power in The Election Calculation, an engrossing addition to an educational series. The Election Calculation, the tenth volume of David Cole’s Math Kids series, combines strong... Read More

Book Review

Emily and Sam

by Karen Rigby

Fun and illustrated with cartoon humor, the mystery novel Emily and Sam: The Mad Scientist Next Door follows twins who take a less than scientific approach to investigating their new neighbor. In Dave Cole’s entertaining mystery novel... Read More

Book Review

Third Librarian Detective Series

by Grace Rogers

Two powerful brothers face new challenges following their father’s death in the mystery novel "Third Librarian Detective Series". Bobby Cinema’s mystery novel "Third Librarian Detective Series" follows two brothers’ efforts to... Read More

Book Review

State of the Union

by Aimee Jodoin

“Sometimes you have to do things that make other people mad if you want to change something that is wrong,” learns a precocious young investigator in the involving mystery novel "State of the Union". In Kitty Felde’s informative... Read More

Book Review

No Funeral for Nazia

by Eileen Gonzalez

A woman’s death brings grief, anger, and eventual peace to her loved ones in Taha Kehar’s novel "No Funeral for Nazia". In life, Nazia always insisted on going her own way. In death, she continues that tradition, leaving scandalous... Read More

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