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Book Review

Kaitlyn's Wheel

by Kristine Morris

Alien encounters and earthly devastation impact teenagers in the fantastical novel Kaitlyn’s Wheel. In Chris Halvorson’s novel Kaitlyn’s Wheel, teenagers use stories of alien encounters to cope with their difficult life events.... Read More

Book Review

Etch of a Promise

by Karen Rigby

In the romance novel "Etch of a Promise", a burgeoning couple is compelled to work through their personal and psychological challenges together. In Ruby M. Holder’s romance novel "Etch of a Promise", an upbeat tradesman and a troubled... Read More

Book Review


by Paula Martinac

"Darcy" is a delightful take on Pride and Prejudice that shows respect for Jane Austen’s work while also peeking into her characters’ true thoughts. Alice McVeigh’s Regency-era romance "Darcy" pays homage to Pride and Prejudice... Read More

Book Review

Her Own Revolution

by Karen Rigby

In Debra Borchert’s suspenseful historical novel "Her Own Revolution", a woman is pulled between a sense of duty to her French family and her personal beliefs. Geneviève is a strong-willed Parisienne who resents that she doesn’t... Read More

Book Review

The Art of Love and Lies

by Karen Rigby

An artist and inspector are on a mission to recover a stolen painting in Rebecca Anderson’s Victorian romance novel "The Art of Love and Lies". Rosanna is a masterful forger—though she prefers calling her paintings reproductions.... Read More

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