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Book Review

Japanese Literature

by Josh Cook

Marcus offers sundry lessons and incites a new appreciation for Japan’s culture, history, and literature. “Compared with its ubiquitous commercial products,” Marvin Marcus writes, “the literature of Japan is little... Read More

Book Review

Sweet Lechery

by Peter Dabbene

Heer has a knack for making anything interesting, which might be the best praise a writer can garner. Jeet Heer displays the leisurely wit and wisdom of a polymath, writing about everything from Canadian culture and politics at large, to... Read More

Book Review

Study in Perfect

by Melissa Wuske

Gorham’s insights into perfection expand and clarify vision—for individuals’ lives and the world at large. There are questions that plague both mind and heart: What does “perfect” really mean? How is it manifested or... Read More

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