Global Anger
In this compelling thriller by debut author Kent Politsch, college buddies Rodney Armstrong, a Baltimore cop, and federal employee Jack Fitzgerald reunite after many years to stop a wealthy Korean drug dealer’s product from infiltrating the United States economy. When it turns out that the sale of illegal substances is a facade behind which a more sinister plot lurks, the two men must race against time to stop the murder of the Secretary of Agriculture while also preventing America’s economy from grinding to a halt.
As a veteran journalist and employee of the USDA, Politsch uses his reporting experience along with his knowledge of the inner workings of the federal government to pull readers into his captivating settings and fast-paced story. The novel mushrooms into a far-reaching conspiracy spanning multiple locales. Politsch plunges readers into places as diffferent as North Korea and Washington DC, using deft description to create milieus that make the audience more than willing to go globe trotting.
In these intriguing settings there exist equally interesting characters. Armstrong and Fitzgerald represent nuanced individuals with complex backgrounds and multi-faceted personalities. Even the villain possesses a fascinating motivation for his dastardly actions. By writing his book from multiple viewpoints, including that of the antagonist, Politsch allows readers to garner empathy for all characters, despite their flaws.
Even with his many characters and locales, Politsch never loses readers; in fact, the variety of players and theaters of action help to ramp up the suspense considerably. One wants to keep turning the pages in order to discover the surprising ways in which the pieces of the narrative fall into place. The dialogue is powerful and realistic, providing an added sense of urgency to the plot. Politsch demonstrates familiarity with the way federal workers and law enforcement personnel act and speak. Many characters talk in clipped, efficient tones and issue commands commensurate with their rank and status.
Global Anger’s timely themes of globalization, terrorism, and the power of a few individuals to invoke fear are writ large in these pages yet examined with subtlety. Politsch delivers his important messages at the human level through the actions of Armstrong and Fitzgerald. Even as the author shows the deleterious effects of great power, he also demonstrates how the concerted actions of a few can stem the tide. In this day and age, when many people feel powerless in the face of their governments or other large entities and institutions, the battle between Armstrong, Fitzgerald, and their enemy is something that will resonate with many readers.
Reviewed by
Jill Allen
Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.