Global Shift
How a New Worldview is Transforming Humanity
What is a rational, idealistic, but skeptical reader to do? With an impressive grasp of science, history, and philosophy, psychologist Edmund J. Bourne in Global Shift: How a New Worldview is Transforming Humanity presents strong scientific evidence for global warming, overpopulation, epidemics, and malnutrition while embracing paranormal phenomena like precognition and telepathy. Bournes writing is so good, his perspective so bracing, that one can and should hear out his realistic critique of the limitations of modern science, and his suggestion that the cosmos is a unity, “a universe that is radically interconnected and conscious.” Intuitive ways of knowing, like Carl Jungs synchronicity, bolster Bournes spiritual affirmation, which he differentiates from animism and pantheism. His approach leads to respect for nature, a community of all peoples, compassion for all beings, the decline of consumerism, and a rise of natural ethics. Bourne proposes a synthesis of science and religion, with simplified and healthful living, conservation, ecological awareness, compassion, love, and forgiveness. Concluding practical chapters address issues from reducing clutter at home to practicing nonviolent communication. Conscious eating, exercise, meditation, and enlightened problem solving at local and global levels are included as well. This book is quite a feast: healthful and digestible despite some unfamiliar and challenging elements. One need not swallow it all to have a sense of plenty in a time of trial.
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