Impossible Truths

Amazing Evidence of Extraterrestrial Contact

The sprawling virtual museum of explanation-defying artifacts and phenomena features ancient geoglyphs, stone circles, giant images scraped in remote patches of ground, the transportation of massive works of stone, and other such mindbogglers scattered across the world.

Researchers are stumped because the ancient societies that produced these wonders flatly did not have the technology/expertise—which kinda sorta points to the possibility of helpful hands from outer space. For the past forty-five years, the curator and chief instigator of this faux museum is none other than Erich von Daniken, author of numerous books of intrigue, including Chariots of the Gods, The Stones of Kiribati, The Gods and Their Grand Design, and now, Impossible Truths: Amazing Evidence of Extraterrestrial Contact.

That Daniken writes and theorizes compellingly gives pause to even the most rigid of skeptics, and the more than 150 color photographs only enhance the dreamy experience of letting one’s imagination go along for the ride.

Reviewed by Matt Sutherland

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