Jeremiah's Prophecies

“Go and speak to this nation, saying, ‘You the United States of America, I remember you when I established you, how you sought me and filled my word throughout your society. You acknowledged me in your Declaration of Independence and put my principles in your constitution…what sin have you found in me to cause you to abandon me?’” As Jeremiah wrote to Israel in the Bible, so Charles Brannan has written to the US in his book, Jeremiah’s Prophecies.

Brannan holds degrees in aerospace engineering and chemistry and is an elder in his church. Having watched America’s relationship with God decline, he awoke one morning to the voice of God telling him to rewrite the book of Jeremiah for the US. After a few weeks of trying to convince himself the idea was not from God, he realized he was just being “stubborn” and began the project.

Brannan has written this book as though God were speaking through Jeremiah to the United States and other modern nations. He says destruction is ahead if America maintains its course. But just as Jeremiah held out hope to Israel, Brannan reminds America, “If you truly turn from your wicked ways and begin to execute true justice to all; if you end your oppression of those who hold no political office; if you stop your slaughter of the innocents; if you turn away from your gods of money, sex, religion and power then I will not remove you from the land for which your forefathers fought.”

He cites the godliness of our founders and their acknowledgement of God, and encourages us to remember and return to God. In later chapters, God turns his attention to other nations, pronouncing doom on Canada, the Palestinians, England, the European Union, Russia, Syria, the Arabs, Iran, and the United Nations. The spirit of Nebuchadnezzar is credited as the main motivating force behind the nation’s turning against God, and is most closely equated with the United Nations.

Much of the condemnation in Jeremiah’s Prophecies is seemingly deserved and is general enough not to offend. However, readers might have occasional reservations, as when he levels criticism against Arabs in general for “hatred for all your fellow man.” However, Brannan has done a generally good job of translating the attitudes and criticisms into modern concerns. Readers may doubt the demise of the US is near, but there is plenty to criticize in the US, and whether this book was commissioned by God or not, we might all do well to examine ourselves in its light.

Reviewed by David George

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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