Karma of the Sun

2023 INDIES Finalist
Finalist, Science Fiction (Adult Fiction)

In the aftermath of six nuclear explosions, the world is in a state of devastation. In Brandon Ying Kit Boey’s science fiction novel Karma of the Sun, the threat of a seventh explosion looms—unless the reincarnated Lama child can be found in the shattered Himalayas. To find him, a man navigates the space between a prophecy, uncertainty, and his grief.

Karma—the son of a sherpa thought to be a liar and betrayer—is an outcast in his village. After bandits bring chaos to the village, Karma is persuaded by its rescuers to retrace his father’s footsteps and find the one remaining mountain in the Himalayas. The key to saving the world from nuclear annihilation is rumored to wait therein.

Hounded by the nighttime cries of ghosts, Karma sets out from his village, but he does not know who to trust: the military men that claimed to have rescued him, the outlaws helping fellow refugees, or the Buddhist monks who also seek the prophesied savior. Teaming up with Nima, Karma tries to figure out how to honor his father’s heritage while also doing what he can to save the world.

The inevitability of the seventh explosion, said to be the final blow that will destroy the earth, weighs on each person in the book. Violence and brutality blossom on most of its pages. Karma is captured, beaten, and almost killed, but he never gives up hope that he may yet contribute to the quest to save the planet. His explorations uncover secrets about his family and truths about the spiritual world that promise to change everyone’s lives forever.

Karma of the Sun is a gripping, prescient science fiction take on the apocalypse, blending Buddhism with an irresistible adventure.

Reviewed by Jeana Jorgensen

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