Keeper Chronicles


2014 INDIES Finalist
Finalist, Fantasy (Adult Fiction)

Clarion Rating: 5 out of 5

Urban fantasy fans will find unique and enthralling characters in this suspenseful story.

Keeper Chronicles: Awakening is an entertaining book about a young woman named Rebekah Lorek who discovers that she is a Keeper, and destined to be a part of a secret organization dedicated to protecting the human race from the demons who are constantly trying to enter the world. The tightly woven plot combines horror and romance in a unique story that is sure to be a hit with fans of urban fantasy and paranormal romance.

Rebekah’s parents tried to shield her from the violence and danger inherent in being a Keeper, allowing her to believe that her father was a lighthouse caretaker while her mother ran the bed-and-breakfast next door. When her father is killed just six months after her mother’s untimely death, Rebekah’s onetime love, Gabe, takes over her father’s lighthouse post, determined to protect her from the deadly secrets that surround her. But there is a demon on the loose, and though all Rebekah wants is to run her B and B with the new guest, Dylan, whom she is quickly falling for, she can’t help but notice that something strange is happening. As deaths begin to mount, hiding the truth from Rebekah proves to be impossible, and she must embrace her heritage and work with Gabe to protect the world.

In a genre that is too often crowded with defanged vampires and misunderstood monsters, this book focuses on the dark and scary side of demons. Author Katherine Wynter describes several different varieties with gleeful detail. For example, Rebekah faces a particularly gruesome creature:

Paralyzed by fear, she couldn’t think as the thing rushed toward her, the single remaining pincher on its front leg snapping a warning, a foul red something oozing out of the place where its other pincher had been as the rain glistened on its hard carapace. A human head and torso rose from the front, black scales covering his arms and chest.

The demon mythology alone makes the book worth reading, and the strong story adds a great deal to the appeal. Though the book centers on Rebekah, there is a significant supporting cast of characters that includes Keepers, hunters, and witches. These characters all have interesting stories of their own, and the author blends each detail and plot line into a complex and well-rounded whole, making the story easy to fall into and highly entertaining.

Awakening is a strong introduction to the world the author has created for Keeper Chronicles. Rebekah and Gabe’s relationship is compelling, the demons are frightening, and the community of supporting characters is full of potential for future stories. The volume ends with an action-packed climax, but there is a great deal of story left to be told in the next installment. Fans will no doubt wait with great anticipation to find out what else the author has in store.

Reviewed by Catherine Thureson

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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