Knight Rider

Knight Strikes

Lion Forge Comics has resurrected several 1980s television properties into comic-book form—including Airwolf and Miami Vice—and Knight Rider: Knight Strikes aims to do the same for K.I.T.T. (a heavily modified talking car with plenty of useful gadgets and weapons), Michael Knight (K.I.T.T.‘s operator), and the world developed in both the original Knight Rider series and previous revisitations. There’s plenty of action in this collection, though not a lot of character development, an absence that might be explained by the use of different writers for each of the six tales included in this volume. These stories do their best to make Knight Rider relevant in the twenty-first century, with plots revolving heavily around computers and advanced technology. The dialogue, particularly from the integrated computer/car K.I.T.T., is often stilted, and considering the amount of history between K.I.T.T. and Michael, it would seem natural that their relationship would eventually develop into something more substantial than just discussing how to defeat the bad guys. Fans of the original series should enjoy this volume, but future efforts might need to push into new territory to keep things interesting.

Reviewed by Peter Dabbene

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