Listening to Extraterrestrials

Telepathic Coaching by Enlightened Beings

Many readers would be interested in cultivating relationships with a group of friends who might offer encouragement in times of need, listen with patience to complaints about a miserable day, or offer sage advice about work and family problems. According to the author, such companionship is available to anyone who asks, but few people are seeking it out because these new confidants are extraterrestrials.

This book, the third in a series that includes Calling on Extraterrestrials and Talking to Extraterrestrials, provides advice on making initial contact, authenticating otherworldly sources, and becoming comfortable enough with the experience to get beyond the preconception that alien contact has to be frightening and victimizing.

Larkins, who claims to have had extraterrestrial contacts for more than sixteen years, only fairly recently became confident enough to go public with her experiences. She rejects the notion of waiting for scientific researchers or the government to be forthcoming with the facts of extraterrestrial life in favor of individuals simply learning to communicate on their own.

Telepathy is a method of communication used by many extraterrestrials, she says, and by developing it humans can gain knowledge and understanding of the UFO phenomenon directly from the source. Once this line of communication is established, Larkins asserts, the human becomes a metamorph capable of embracing relationships with physical beings throughout the universe and, rather than becoming the manipulated victim usually presented in alien abduction literature, awakens to the spiritual benefits available through these highly evolved beings for those willing to ask.

Larkins offers deceptively simple techniques for embarking upon what she calls “the greatest adventure of all time.” Designate an area as a chat room, she suggests, and furnish it with comforting accoutrements. Play soothing music—not more than a song or two to avoid disruption of concentration—to raise one’s frequency to be closer to that of the universe. Purge negative feelings. The book recognizes the difference between listening and hearing, as the telepathy is likely to be so subtle that the reality of the initial communication is often questioned, if not missed altogether. It is the aim of this book to guide readers in the methods of initiating contact and to offer reassurance that they are not alone in their reactions to the event.

Any book on this subject lends itself to easy skepticism, but according to a Gallup survey, thirty-four million Americans have seen a UFO, and three million report face-to-face encounters with extraterrestrials. Larkins has provided a comforting validation to those who have already been touched; she has presented a practical guide, minus fear, for those eager to embark on this adventure.

Reviewed by Dan Bogey

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. No fee was paid by the publisher for this review. Foreword Reviews only recommends books that we love. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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