Meeting the WORD in the World

Enjoying our Place in God's Creation and Discovering that we are a Part of "God's Workmanship, Created in Christ Jesus ... in Advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10)

Clarion Rating: 5 out of 5

Warner’s prose is both lyrical and clear, revealing the spiritual beauty he sees in nature.

Glen W. Warner’s Meeting the WORD in the World asks people to take a step back to admire the workmanship of God, asserting that those who notice the glory of nature fully accept their place in God’s kingdom.

Warner discusses the sacred spaces in everyday life and how they offer the opportunity for rich discovery. For example, he explains how a typical day working on a dairy farm forever inspires him. All it took was hearing a song by Les Paul and Mary Ford for him to wake up to the world around him. In a moment, everything seemed possible. Meeting the WORD in the World is about finding such special moments and making the most of them.

To explore how science and history can peacefully coexist with scripture, Warner describes everything from maple syrup season in Northeast Ohio to the tragedy of the Titanic sinking. These facts are a concrete way to explain people’s amazing accomplishments. For example, the author explains how more than two hundred astronauts have worked on the International Space Station and traveled 1.5 billion miles. Warner’s point is clear: God makes us greater than we could ever imagine.

Language is both accessible and lyrical in this book. Warner’s awe of nature is clear in his specific and creative descriptions. For example, he makes something simple like blue flowers seem magical. In “Down to Earth,” Warner explains how “brave little blue flowers…are trembling in the chilly breeze” and that they “are the world’s laughter.” Personification helps people see the true meaning of God’s projects.

Though the book has an optimistic tone, Warner does not avoid tough subject matter. For example, the “Perspective” chapter discusses a horrific school shooting. Warner deftly explains not just the horror of the experience but also the silver lining of the community coming together. As the author writes, “real spiritual maturity is the ability to live successfully without all the answers.”

While each chapter is only a few pages long, Warner amends the text with short anecdotes, facts, and scripture. This hodgepodge structure keeps the content fresh and engaging. By using creative acronyms like GPS to describe “God’s Plan in Scripture,” Warner further explains how to find inspiration.

Meeting the WORD in the World provides coordinates for sacred spaces full of wonder, and shows how we can find peace and focus in a chaotic world.

Reviewed by Lisa Bower

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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