Monster Fart Wars III

Farts vs. Pimples

Clarion Rating: 4 out of 5

The story is easy to read and entertainingly disgusting.

A. M. Shah’s Monster Fart Wars III continues the battle for power between the evil Mayor Burp and Mayor Fart, the narrator of the book and leader of Fartville. This installment brings together an array of bodily-function characters, including Burps, Farts, Boogers, and Pimples. It is action-packed and full of the gross humor that fans of the first two books will expect.

The third book in the series jumps right in where the second book left off. When Mayor Fart—accompanied by Quiet Fart, Loud Fart, and Rumbly Fart—questions the evil Wizard Severe Cold, he admits to working with Mayor Burp to seize power. The group then takes Severe Cold to the jailhouse, where they discover that Mayor Burp has escaped, leaving behind an oily, highly stressed landscape that is now sprouting pimples at an alarming rate. Though the pimples initially seem to support Mayor Burp in his intended coup, they ultimately have their own agenda.

Monster Fart Wars III is well written, with language that is appropriate for children ages seven to eleven. Those who have not read the first two books may not enjoy this story as much as previous installments because there is little character development or explanation of backstory. However, those who have read and enjoyed the previous books will find even more to laugh at here, as the addition of the pimples makes for the grossest story yet: “As Mayor Burp tried to get up, Miss Monster Pimple squeezed her belly with all her might until the white pus began moving in circles, a red center started forming, and then POP, BOOM, BAM! An avalanche of white pus and blood drenched Mayor Burp.”

The story concerns the continued scheming of Mayor Burp and the pimples, led by Queen Whitehead, that he has created to assist him. It is primarily all fighting, so there is a high level of violence, with hitting, kicking, and name-calling, that parents should be aware of. Ultimately, however, the characters must learn to share space and live in peace, and these are great values to teach young children.

Monster Fart Wars III is a silly, simple story sure to make both parents and children cringe. Though the book does not offer a great deal of world-building or character development, the story is easy to read and entertainingly disgusting. Anyone who finds bodily excretions funny will laugh from beginning to end.

Reviewed by Catherine Thureson

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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