Mother Voices

Real Women Write about Growing into Motherhood

Mothers have earned the right to be insane. A needed mother is more important than a well-read one. Mothers of young children are allowed to post signs on their doors warning “we nap here, disturb at your own risk.”

So trumpet mothers from across the nation in 100 mini-essays that create Mother Voices, where “real women write about growing into motherhood.” A new mother herself who noted the lack of books reflecting the true-life experience of motherhood, Dyer published a press release inviting moms everywhere to share their stories. The result is a warm and supportive book, filled with all that is wise, comforting, insightful, serious, sacred and inspiring about motherhood. Mothers of newborns, toddlers, teenagers, college or working age children, of grown-up offspring having children of their own, single mothers, remarried mothers, mothers of special needs children, of gay children—they are all represented here.

Short essays—one to four pages—walk the reader like a friend through all stages of motherhood. These women share their thoughts as they await their child’s birth, the joy of snuggling with a napping child, the fatigue from hearing “I want” or “why” this or that during a toddler’s entire waking hours, the struggles of going it alone, of coping with the patience-trying teenage years. There are letters from college, there are essays on letting go. Dyer, who herself faced a crisis that left one of her children with some special needs, includes thoughts from others who have faced special circumstances with their children.

Nicely priced, this collection would make an ideal gift book or self-purchase for mothers, mother-to-be’s or mother-wanna-be’s everywhere. It can be devoured all at once, or savored slowly day by day. This book is a real gem—real women, real motherhood, real words.

Reviewed by Patricia Voice

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. No fee was paid by the publisher for this review. Foreword Reviews only recommends books that we love. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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