Nature's Hidden Force

Joining Spirutuality and Science

2014 INDIES Finalist
Finalist, Philosophy (Adult Nonfiction)
2014 INDIES Finalist
Finalist, Science (Adult Nonfiction)

Despite what the hallowed theory of entropy, part of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, has suggested, it appears that the universe is not set to go out with a whimper. Instead, George Land and Beth Jarman, authors of Nature’s Hidden Force, posit that the universe operates on the Law of Creative Connecting, or “Syntropy,” and is actually moving toward a more evolved, better, and brighter future and pulling everything—from particles to planets to us—into it.

Land (a senior fellow of the University of Minnesota, a fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences, and an inductee into the Creative Education Foundation’s Creativity Hall of Fame) and Jarman (an educator, cabinet secretary to two governors, state legislator, president of Leadership 2000, and CEO of The FarSight Group) were researching human creativity when they discovered something about the universe, nature, and our place in it that was so shocking in its beauty, elegance, and clarity that it transformed their work and their lives.

Described in language that makes reading about science a pleasure, their research revealed that whether we look above or below—to the macrocosm or the microcosm—there exists an energetic pull, which the authors call “Creative Connecting,” or “Future Pull.” This natural force, as real as gravity and very similar to human creativity in its workings, is pulling everything into a more evolved future characterized by ever greater, more elegant and efficient ways of being. Even more compelling, Land and Jarman illustrate how we, as conscious beings, can actually affect how this future will play out; if you’ve ever wondered how thoughts can become things, their explanation may be the first one that makes sense. Their work has profound implications for all areas of human endeavor, from education to economics, from how we care for the environment to how we can continue to maintain hope in our hearts.

Reviewed by Kristine Morris

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