Nostradamus Speaks Again™

Heaven Paradise

Clarion Rating: 1 out of 5

Nostradamus Speaks Again: Heaven Paradise is a spiritual guidebook with a diverse cast of narrators.

Elisabeth Jorgensen’s Nostradamus Speaks Again: Heaven Paradise is a spiritual guidebook that’s written as a conversation between spiritual and physical beings seeking enlightenment.

The book’s theology is best described as a blend of New Age enlightenment thought seen through a universalist lens. Though figures associated with Christianity, including Jesus, play a role in it, they are kept distinct from traditional Christian doctrine.

The book switches between the voices of different spirits whom Jorgensen channels, including God Creator, his partner Mother Sophia, and famous figures including Lady Diana, Michael Jackson, Steve Jobs, Kate Spade, and Sitting Bull. Questions about why these figures are chosen, and whether they ascribed to the theology the book shares, are not answered. The narration sometime addresses those reading to find enlightenment; at other times, it addresses Sarahnara, the mystical daughter of Jesus and Mary Magdalene whose creation was ordained by God Creator and Sophia, and who is said to be incarnate in the form of a woman, Elisabeth.

Here, Sarahnara was hidden away in an attempt to spare her from pain, but is now urged to accept her destiny, though it is unclear what this means. Nostradamus and his team also narrate, but no historical or spiritual background is given for Nostradamus, and who is a part of his team remains a mystery. Despite the large variety of narrators, there is no noticeable difference between their voices, nor are there shifts in tone, muddling the deliveries of the addresses.

The text’s syntax is choppy. Most sentences are either run-ons or fragments, and many are so laden with errors that they become nonsensical. Misspellings are also present. These errors impede the book on a sentence-by-sentence basis, and also obscure the book’s overarching themes, including self-love and the danger of finding happiness in possessions alone, which are hinted at without being clarified or developed. Antithesis is used often, but only results in additional messiness, as no explanations are given for the book’s paradoxical statements. Though the book declares to represent a “nonverbal” language, its claims that it can still be read with ease by those desiring spiritual guidance aren’t borne out.

The book is divided into parts, chapters, and sections within those chapters. The headings of each part, like “Evoking Our Mental Capabilities From Within Now,” suggest individual goals, but there’s too little concrete guidance for outside audiences, apart from a few commands to repeat a series of numbers or stay silent. And the later portions of the book are devoted to a collection of heart songs, said to be channeled from the aforementioned famous figures. Many appear as lists of words; each ends with “Sai Ram,” but it is never revealed to whom, or what, that refers, nor is guidance given about the use of these songs that are supposed to be healing tools.

Nostradamus Speaks Again: Heaven Paradise is a spiritual guidebook with a diverse cast of narrators.

Reviewed by Vivian Turnbull

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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