Online Book Marketing

The Least Expensive, Most Effective Ways to Create Book Buzz

We all have a good book or two in us if only we can summon the time, discipline, and knowledge to get it into print. Then there is the ever-lurking question of how to get people to buy and read it so that we have not toiled in vain. Lorraine Phillips looks deep into the collective literary soul and has produced a fabulous and inspiring little book that will help transform would-be writers into published authors using technology that is at our fingertips.

An effective author in her own right, Phillips is also an information technologist with a passion for helping plan, develop, and publish internet and print projects. Her first book, Publish Your First Magazine: A Practical Guide For Wannabe Publishers, became an Amazon Top 100 seller that was acclaimed in the publishing industry. Phillips is also founder of 360 Books, where she is a marketing specialist, coach, and advisor to authors and publishers who benefit from her expertise in online book promotion, social media marketing, editorial, branding, and design, all of which she generously shares with readers in this, her second book.

While the title presumes marketing a work that is already written, Phillips’s book is also perfect for those who are contemplating but have not yet committed their thoughts to print. It aims at the nonfiction writer and the simmering expert within who yearns to share expertise and experience with others, to contribute a unique perspective, to join in the ongoing social dialogue and to earn recognition and even sustenance through one’s work.

Few these days are blessed to sign lucrative contracts with publishing houses that take an author’s work to market and nurture their careers. Thanks to today’s technology, the most novice and humble among us can aspire to success in print by using our laptops and following Phillips’s roadmap for do-it-yourself online book marketing. To establish a brand, set up an author site, write and maintain a blog, optimize one’s online profile, participate in Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn and craft a recognizable public persona, some may decide to hire experts like Phillips while others may choose to do it ourselves. Either way, Phillips shows us how it’s done. Her book is invaluable for readers who want to become known as writers in an increasingly interconnected world where the sky’s the limit and hope has wings.

Reviewed by Pamela Harris Kaiser

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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