Past Lives with Pets

Discover Your Timeless Connection to Your Beloved Companions

Believers in reincarnation, or past lives, are members of a harmonious choir, to the great amusement of skeptics who roll their eyes in mocking ridicule. Even so, surveys show that more and more people are open to the notion that memories can be passed along from one lifetime to the next, not so differently from the way that genetic traits are inherited from generation to generation. The brain is endlessly mysterious. Neurologists struggle to explain certain phobias and unusual abilities in young children, and past lives become a part of the conversation simply because no other explanation stands up to scrutiny.

So why not past lives for cats and dogs and every other beast of the earth?

In Past Lives with Pets, Shelley Kaehr offers an entertaining and persuasive collection of stories about owners and pets with extraordinary relationships. A past life regression therapist with a PhD in Parapsychic Science from the American Institute of Holistic Theology, Kaehr frequently works with people who believe they knew their pets in previous lives. Through regression sessions to overcome grief, for example, her clients note that nobody “listens to you and really seems to understand you at a soul level in the way pets do,” and hypnosis often points to times and places in history where the relationship first came about.

If you wonder why you love your animals so fiercely, Past Lives with Pets might just offer an unexpectedly satisfying answer.

Reviewed by Matt Sutherland

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