Prayer Changes Things
Prayer + the Word of God = Power
Prayer Changes Things is an accessible introduction to Pentecostal prayer.
Beatrice B. Fearon’s inspiring book Prayer Changes Things is an accessible guide to prayer.
Beginning with a theology of prayer that encourages people to begin their prayers with a feeling of gratitude to God for all that God brings, the book considers prayer to be a conversation between God and the believer that benefits both parties. Its presented prayer techniques and styles are aimed at helping less-confident Christians with their prayer lives. It considers topics like incorporating the Bible and understanding salvation in its varied explorations of prayer. Its perspective is conservative and Pentecostal.
Arguing that prayer is a form of communication that can be either spoken or silent, the book claims that people tend to make prayer more complicated than it needs to be. It suggests that prayer is as easy as making a phone call to a best friend. To make its case, the text leans on the Bible; most chapters begin with either a scriptural focus, as on King David’s prayers of thanksgiving, or with a word study that puts topics like praise into a biblical context. The text’s insights advance its perspective, occasionally dipping into straight proselytization about the importance of Jesus and personal salvation. This approach gives the book an introductory feeling. It breaks little new ground, and its information about the Bible and prayer will likely be familiar to many Christians.
Organized around the various types of prayer, including repentance, petition, corporate prayers, as well as biblical prayers, the book includes sample prayers for its audience. Material related to the church is incorporated, including a definition of “Pentecost,” notions of how to pray “in the Spirit,” and information about the Holy Spirit itself. This approach leads to some repetition, including on topics like the need for salvation, undermining the book’s impact. It is most compelling when it steps outside of familiar considerations, as when it covers what it means to pray “all night,” or when it suggests means of making prayer a priority.
Personal and confessional, the text is appealing in its earnestness. It describes Fearon’s experiences leading groups in prayer and with folks struggling to either offer prayers or find the right words to speak to God, resulting in a stirring argument for better prayer education. It has a sermonlike sensibility, combining clear, everyday language with footnotes for authority.
Prayer Changes Things is an accessible introduction to Pentecostal prayer that is mindful of the impact of the Holy Spirit on the process.
Reviewed by
Jeremiah Rood
Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book and paid a small fee to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. Foreword Reviews and Clarion Reviews make no guarantee that the publisher will receive a positive review. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.