
The Golden Yarn

Jacob Reckless, treasure hunter and risk taker extraordinaire, is back with his pensive brother, Will, in The Golden Yarn, third in Cornelia Funke’s mesmerizing MirrorWorld series. Translated from its original German by Oliver Latsch and inspired by the infamous brothers Grimm, the Reckless boys find themselves separated and worlds apart travelling through mirrors, across empires, and by magic carpet on their greatest and most emotional adventure yet.

Picking up right where Fearless (book two) ends but this time showcasing Russian and Ukrainian folklore along with some classics, The Golden Yarn features Baba Yaga, Rumplestiltskin, and a dash of Snow White, fairytales and magic front and center along with a more grown up but no less troubled Jacob and Will. Joined by Fox, Jacob’s shapeshifting sidekick, now a decidedly alluring young woman, and a band of treasure hunters, spies, thieves, and one reluctant prisoner, Jacob chases Will and his stone faced Goyl escort as they seek the Dark Fairy while evading the mysterious mirror siblings, Sixteen and Seventeen. Fans of MirrorWorld will love the continuity and growth of their favorites as well as the several new additions and role revisals, but enjoying the series in order is recommended.

Haunting black and white sketches from Cornelia Funke herself grace the pages, depicting faces and scenes in shadow or partially revealed, adding a mysterious element to what is, at heart, a tale of love lost, love gained, and love reinvented as the golden thread of “true love, selfless and deep as the oceans in their most fathomless depths,” becomes a tangible tether, coveted by some and cursed by others.

The Golden Yarn combines “once upon a time” excitement with endless possibilities and breathless hopes for a few “happily ever afters.”

Reviewed by Pallas Gates McCorquodale

Disclosure: This article is not an endorsement, but a review. The publisher of this book provided free copies of the book to have their book reviewed by a professional reviewer. No fee was paid by the publisher for this review. Foreword Reviews only recommends books that we love. Foreword Magazine, Inc. is disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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