Reef Libre

Cuba---The Last, Best Reefs in the World

SCUBA Cuba is fun to say, but the two words are also oxymoronic—a communist-minded acronym might better be: Smoking Cigars Underwater Begets Anarchy.

In any case, Cuba’s political and economic struggles have had one remarkable environmental consequence: her coral reefs are pristine.

In Reef Libre, Robert Winter details his amusing travels around Cuba, above and below the Caribbean waters. He gamefully discusses reef issues the world over, and makes recommendations for Cuba’s own reef management strategy—noting repeatedly that Cuba’s efforts to protect its reefs are far superior to Hawaii’s.

With two hundred photographs, Reef Libre is a stunning work of photojournalism. Winter is on the noblest of missions and sea life everywhere owe him an aquarium-sized cuba libre.

Reviewed by Matt Sutherland

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