Aimee Jodoin, Book Reviewer

A former editor at Foreword Reviews, Aimee Jodoin now lives the library life in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She prefers to be surrounded by books of the contemporary literary and science fiction variety; her favorite authors are Haruki Murakami, Zadie Smith, Karen Russell, and Kazuo Ishiguro, though progressive debut novels are what truly give her joy. Her interests both in and out of books include feminism, healthy living, environmental sustainability, and cats. She is currently—perpetually—writing a novel, of course.

Book Review

The Water Carriers

by Aimee Jodoin

An intricate and empathetic speculative novel, "The Water Carriers" follows a billionaire’s growth toward concern for the thirsty planet. In Gregory Greunke’s imaginative dystopian novel "The Water Carriers", a wealthy heir aims to... Read More

Book Review

The Pet Nanny 2

by Aimee Jodoin

A determined girl works hard at school and through her pet-sitting business in the busy novel "The Pet Nanny 2". In Leisa Braband’s endearing novel "The Pet Nanny 2", a cheerful girl tries to balance her rigorous schoolwork with her... Read More

Book Review

Open Heart

by Aimee Jodoin

Endearing sibling hijinks and examples of childhood determination make "Open Heart" an inspiring picture book. In John J. Dias’s inspirational autobiographical picture book "Open Heart", a girl with multiple disabilities believes in... Read More

Book Review

Echo Nova

by Aimee Jodoin

In Clint Hall’s exhilarating science fiction novel "Echo Nova", time travel leads to the dehumanization of the people of the past. In a dystopian future, eighteen-year-old Dash livestreams his nighttime parkour races in the hopes of... Read More

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