Book Review
The Aloha Shirt
by Alex Moore
Palm trees stand among tropical grass shacks. Pineapples, sugarcane, and a lone star fish are patterned next to an outrigger canoe and a warrior. Bungalows and huts are bordered by groves of palm trees. Coconut buttons clasp the Hawaiian...
Book Review
101 Uses for an Old Farm Tractor
by Alex Moore
Furrows of fun are planted on each page of this runt sized (51/2“ x 51/2“) book: 101 Uses for an Old Farm Tractor. Wry bons mots at page tops are hitched to a tractor picture and a caption. “Jungle Jim”: A threshing crew of...
Book Review
Shameless Marketing for Brazen Hussies
by Alex Moore
“We girls are finally learning to kick butt,” writes entrepreneurship ensign Marilyn Ross. Tired of the disparity between the earnings of men and women, “Sassy lassies are starting new companies at twice the rate of macho men.”...
Book Review
by Alex Moore
Sailors on the deck of a battleship, guns like horizontal smoke stacks accentuating their bravado. Sailors standing in pugilistic readiness. Sailors in camaraderie and tomfoolery. Kevin Bentley has amassed a collection of old pictures in...
Book Review
by Alex Moore
A young woman sees an exquisite sorrow and longing through the eyes of a man residing in a shelter; she suddenly realizes she has seen the eyes of Jesus, changing her life’s direction. A man saw his grammar school in a soft, celestial...
Book Review
Bountiful Women
by Alex Moore
“Every woman, regardless of size, knows that she is judged by her appearance. Women’s bodies are verbally and visually dissected,” says psychologist and author Bonnie Bernell. “Those of us who are larger than the social ideal...
Book Review
by Alex Moore
In the hourless depths of the night…I grieved for the dreambaby who had died and loved the one who had been born. In Babyface: A Story of Heart and Bones, Jeanne McDermott tells of her life with her second son, Nathaniel, born at...
Book Review
by Alex Moore
“We thank Thee, O God, for all the goodness and courage which have passed from the life of thy servant, Walter Perry Chrysler, into the lives of others, and have left the world richer for his presence,” said Reverend Underwood on...
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