Book Review
Twilight Tales
Ranging from the ghostly to the gruesome, the poems in J.T. Holden’s chilling new collection, Twilight Tales, are filled with atmospheric rhymes and eerie images. The twenty-two poems are roughly organized into four main sections, with...
Book Review
Lucas Comes to America
The beloved dog of a philanthropist, Lucas is a very lucky terrier. In "Lucas Comes to America", four- to eight-year-old readers get a picture of his wonderful life. From his home in Manchester, England, Lucas travels all the way to...
Book Review
Rosie and the Wedding Day Rescue
With her fingerprint powder and binoculars, Rosie Anderson is more interested in becoming a detective than wearing dresses and throwing flower petals. But when her favorite babysitter, Greta, asks her to be in her wedding as a flower...
Book Review
Christmas Campfire Companion
Often known for horses and cowboys, western reads can be incredibly suspenseful and entertaining. However, the stories in "Christmas Campfire Companion" remind its audience that westerns can also be full of warmth and subtlety. This...
Book Review
Flower from Castile Trilogy: Book One
During the tumultuous Spanish Inquisition, with an impending battle to conquer Moorish lands brewing, a privileged Spanish Catholic girl named Isabella Obringon is kidnapped from her parents. Her kidnappers reveal to Isabella that she...
Book Review
Eleanor Roosevelt's Life of Soul Searching and Self Discovery
Eleanor Roosevelt was one of the most influential First Ladies in United States history. Her accomplishments are especially impressive and inspiring when one considers her background and the reality of the political and social forces she...
Book Review
Reaching beyond an exciting, dystopian plot, Karen Sandler tells the alarming story of a society that has come to devalue humans, turning many of them into commodities, and the courage it takes to face the truth needed to fight...
Book Review
Is God Fair? What About Gandhi?
With careful, in-depth study and highly substantiated arguments, authors Michael Riley and James William take on the particularly contentious Christian belief of eternal damnation in "Is God Fair? What About Gandhi?", their scholarly yet...